If, for whatever reason, you are not satisfied with any DeskToolsSoft product, you are free to ask for a refund before 30 days from its original purchase. DeskToolsSoft will credit the original purchase price back to you. Note that the refund will be sent to the same account utilized to make the original purchase.
If you contact the DeskToolsSoft Support Team, our first response will be to attempt to help you make maximum use of the product. This assistance may come in the form of technical support, additional product instructions, and requests for additional information with regards to your use of the product. If, after this, you still feel the product has not lived up to expectations, and you ask for a refund, a refund will be issued to you.
DeskToolsSoft will issue a refund for a sale for several reasons, including but not limited to:
Do you have any questions about the DeskToolsSoft Refund Policy?
If so, please feel free to contact the DeskToolsSoft Product Support Team at any time.